The community category focuses on fostering a sense of belonging and collaboration in the online learning environment. Faculty participants learn to build strong connections with students, encourage interaction and engagement, and create a supportive online community that enhances the overall educational experience.
Building teacher credibility
Building teacher credibility in higher education is essential for fostering a positive learning environment.
The community of inquiry model in online teaching
The Community of Inquiry (CoI) model has gained prominence for its role in facilitating meaningful online learning experiences for students.
Discussion boards
Our online discussion board resource page describes how to build a learning community, provide structure, and use resources and strategies for handling potential emergencies.
Instructor background information & photo
When an instructor shares their background information in a purposeful way, it can help kickstart a successful online learning community.
Instructor social presence
As online education continues to grow and more students want the flexibility and accessibility offered by online courses, the role of instructor social presence has emerged to play a critical...
Large online courses
These online teaching best practices address the challenges in teaching high enrollment online courses.
Office hours and contact information
Office hours and transparent and accessible contact information foster greater student engagement and satisfaction, paving the way for improved academic achievements and retention.
Regular and substantive interaction
Regular and substantive interaction (RSI) is a foundational concept in online education that helps to ensure the quality and effectiveness of online teaching and learning.
Sprint at a glance: Less Zoom doom, more engagement
Missouri Onlineās self-paced mini-course will help you learn more about high-engagement, active learning strategies for effective class discussions
Student communication expectations
When students feel safe and welcome in a classroom, especially an online one, they thrive. Faculty can cultivate a sense of safety and belonging by encouraging and maintaining an expectation...
Student introductions
Through self-introductions, students can learn of and connect with peers with myriad backgrounds, interests, or goals in the class.
Synchronous online courses
Successfully incorporating synchronous sessions into an online course involves intentionally planning when, where, how, and why you and your students are going to interact with one another in the virtual...
Welcoming students to the online course
Welcoming students to an online course is a pivotal step in establishing a positive and engaging learning community.