Design services

 Licensed   FILE #:  593281989  Preview Crop  Find Similar  Expand Image DIMENSIONS 4032 x 2688px FILE TYPE JPEG CATEGORY People LICENSE TYPE Education License A photo of a teacher using multimedia resources, such as a smartboard, projector, or educational software, to make the lesson interactive and engaging for students

Are you looking to leverage pedagogical best practices for your course or program but don't know where to begin? Maybe you're needing to rethink your course design or improve your learner experience. With nationally recognized experts in instructional and experience design, we're ready to help!

Learn more about our services by clicking below. 

Experience Design Services

The Missouri Online experience design team offers numerous creative services, including the design and build of Canvas courses, graphic design, video and media production, UX design, template development, and the production of interactive online learning modules. Our designers are committed to collaborating with faculty to create meaningful learning experiences. 

Smiling female designer working in studio

User experience design

Our dedicated staff have the resources and expertise to help you plan and create pedagogically sound imagery and interactive components to enhance the learning experience for your students.

videographer filming a teacher teaching in front of a classroom

Video production

From ideation to production, we offer a variety of services to help produce effective, engaging instructional videos for your online courses.

Happy senior woman reading an email on a computer.

Canvas templates

Missouri Online maintains a number of course, module and page templates for faculty to apply to their Canvas courses. 

From the Blog

New module organizer templates now available

Missouri Online is pleased to announce the availability of two new multi-week module organizer templates for your Canvas courses.

Student resource templates in Canvas Commons

Our latest templates include topics such as how to prepare for group projects, best practices for participating in discussion boards, and tips for succeeding in your online course.

Crafting authentic learning experiences with the LX Canvas

The LX Canvas is used to create improved learning experiences by breaking each one down into categories, including the people involved, the resources available, and the process used to arrive...

Request support

Our design services are available to all faculty from any of the four UM System campuses. So why wait? Let's get started today!

Instructional Design Services

Our instructional designers use the latest teaching methods and learning science to engage students and enhance learning through effective course designs. Our comprehensive services include course design and development, learning outcomes and alignment, assessment strategies, and accessible learning.

two female professionals working together at a desktop

Course design

Through close collaboration with faculty, our designers can help you design purposeful learning objectives, create engaging course objects and facilitate meaningful course design.

A group of people working together at a table filled with books, notebooks, markers, sticky notes, and a development project sheet, indicating a collaborative brainstorming session.

Programmatic support

Whether you are part of a new online program aiming for cohesive course development or an established online program striving for consistency, Missouri Online is here to support you. 

Close up photo of a person working on a laptop with educational technology images floating in the air

Training & certifications

This page includes quick links to teaching and course certification, as well as links to each campus's Tableau dashboard. 

From the Blog

What do you believe about digital accessibility?

Learn more about our commitment to digital accessibility, including misconceptions, the prevalence of disabilities among students, and the tools and support available to create accessible digital content.

Podcast: Teaching students with ADHD

Dr. Cathryn Friel, instructional designer at Missouri Online, was featured as a guest on Dr. Derek Bruff's Intentional Teaching podcast series.

Spring instructional design webinars

All faculty and staff are invited to attend our spring instructional design webinar series.

Request support

Our design services are available to all faculty from any of the four UM System campuses. So why wait? Let's get started today!