UDOIT: Putting digital accessibility within reach

Young woman with cochlear implant studying at home

When I started participating in online course quality reviews, I was struck by the fact that digital accessibility is a key component of every quality rubric—but faculty are seldom prepared for this. Unless instructors have worked closely with an instructional designer, their courses are unlikely to meet the digital accessibility standards.

Over the years, I’ve taken every opportunity to bridge that gap, helping faculty understand why digital accessibility matters while seeking ways to make it less daunting. So I’m thrilled that Missouri Online now offers a tool to do exactly that: the Universal Design Online (Content) Inspection Tool, or UDOIT (pronounced “You Do It”).

Why does digital accessibility matter?

But let’s back up a minute. What is digital accessibility, and why is it so important that your online course cannot pass a quality review unless you have ensured that all your materials are accessible?

The National Federation for the Blind defines digital accessibility as “the practice of designing electronic material so that it is usable by all people, including people with disabilities.” This includes individuals with visual, hearing, motor, or cognitive impairments.

You might wonder, “Can’t I wait until I get an accommodation request to worry about accessibility?” But legally and ethically, being proactive about digital accessibility is the right thing to do. Just as physical spaces must be accessible to all users, so must digital spaces. It will also save you time in the long run, as you will not have to hastily retrofit your course materials in response to a request for accommodation, possibly delaying the student’s ability to fully participate in your class. Digital accessibility must be part of the foundation of inclusive course design.

How can UDOIT help?

UDOIT will scan your Canvas course site and catch issues that can present barriers for students with some disabilities. As you use UDOIT to check your courses, you will become familiar with these issues and be able to create new materials with digital accessibility in mind.

Learn how to create, understand and address your UDOIT report

Will UDOIT catch all the digital accessibility issues with my Canvas course?

UDOIT will identify accessibility concerns within the Canvas site itself, but if you upload files (such as Word documents or PowerPoint slides) to your course site, it will not address those. However, there is an Accessibility Checker in Microsoft Office that works similarly—it will flag issues, explain why they need to be addressed, and guide you in resolving them.

It will also not check the content on links to outside internet resources you have included, such as websites or PDF files.

Finally, if you have Panopto videos in your course site, UDOIT might not accurately detect whether they are captioned. See How to Add ASR (Automatic Speech Recognition) Captions into a Video to learn how to do this.

How can I learn more about digital accessibility?

You are also invited to reach out to Missouri Online to consult with an instructional designer. We are available for one-on-one meetings or small-group workshops to discuss how digital accessibility supports student learning and how you can ensure the accessibility of your online courses.