Missouri Online organizational charts
Strategy and Implementation Oversight Committee
Role and responsibilities
- Develop and make decisions regarding program migration and new program development processes.
- Approve or reject proposals for new online programs and proposals for the migration of an existing program online (the committee will serve as one of the University-level approvers, along with the Board of Curators).
- Facilitate between campuses during the program collaboration period (if applicable).
- Designate and coordinate instruction allocation in the event of program collaboration across universities.
- Assist universities in determining revenue share/revenue allocation agreements with the system for online programs.
- Provide input on other Missouri Online operations issues as needed.
- Provost for Educational Innovation, Missouri S&T
Academic Council
Role and responsibilities
- Develop and make recommendations to the chief online learning officer (COLO) regarding program quality and standards. Decisions made by the council are subject to approval by the COLO.
- Make recommendations on programs to migrate to the systemwide scaling and growth effort. Decisions are subject to approval by the Oversight Committee.
- Define what an ongoing quality management/continuous improvement process looks like.
- Prepare best practices for selection and training of faculty to ensure quality instruction.
- Define retention, persistence and other metrics that will be used in assessing the success of Missouri Online and the divisions offering online courses and programs.
- Review key metrics related to online learning, student success, learner engagement, graduate productivity, etc. with an eye for recommending goals for improvement.
- Provide input on Missouri Online academic issues as needed.
Finance Committee
Role and responsibilities
- Discuss all financial decisions related to eLearning in terms of the revenue model and pricing.
- Provide recommendations regarding financial decisions to the eLearning Strategy and Implementation Oversight Committee.
Online Faculty Advisory Committee
Role and responsibilities
The Online Faculty Advisory Committee is a component of Missouri Online's initiative and implementation. The team includes faculty members with significant experience teaching in an online format as well as those with active research interests in the area. Together, these faculty members work toward determining innovative ways to achieve the scale desired in UM System’s vision for our Missouri Online initiative.
Student Services Council
Role and responsibilities
The Missouri Online Student Services Council liaises with Missouri Online and member campuses to provide feedback on how services are delivered and working, and what needs to be adapted or added to help ensure best-in-class service for online students.
- Determines the set of services to which all fully online students will have access and develops a roadmap to ensure proper follow-through and processes.
- Provides guidance on third-party vendors to ensure they are meeting deliverables and service levels.
- Liaises with constituent groups on each campus to ensure communication. E
- Enhances and maintains coordination between offices (Missouri Online, Registrar's, Cashiers, Division of IT, Libraries, SIS, Graduate School, Admissions, Institutional Research, and Financial Aid) to more fully integrate support and services for online students.
- Informs other Missouri Online governance councils of potential consequences of recommendations under consideration, and about the feasibility of and timeframe for implementing said recommendations.
- Provides input on other student services issues as needed.