Generative AI

An illustration of a digital, wired brain

This resource looks into how generative AI affects teaching and learning. While this toolkit does not include instructions for everything related to generative AI in teaching, it will help you think about how generative AI might fit into your teaching and how to adjust to it.

The following pages will:

  • Explain what generative AI is and what it is capable and not capable of doing.
  • Discuss key considerations involving the use of generative AI in learning and teaching.
  • Describe instructional strategies and approaches for the meaningful and productive use of generative AI by students.
  • Analyze the pedagogical implications of generative AI.

AI training opportunities

Interested in learning more about the use of artificial intelligence in online education? Check out our upcoming learning sessions on the Missouri Online training calendar.


What is generative AI?

Generative AI is a type of artificial intelligence technology that can produce various types of content, such as text, imagery, and audio.

Generative AI in teaching and learning

To navigate the challenges and opportunities of using generative AI in teaching and learning, we must first address some questions and consider our answers to them.

Discussing AI with your students

We encourage transparency, discussion, and clarity of expectations when discussing generative AI with your students.

Assessments in the Age of AI

How can we ensure our students have achieved the course learning outcomes in the era of generative AI? 

Common generative AI tools

As we consider what generative AI can and cannot do, it is also important to become familiar with many of the most common or widely used generative AI tools.

Additional AI resources

Explore a curated collection of AI resources, tools, and best practices.