Accessibility skills: Plain language and formatting

African American man's hands typing on a laptop at home

To provide an inclusive learning experience for all, Missouri Online recommends that

  • assessments (learning activities and assignments) have clear instructions for completion; and
  • all faculty-created documents in the course (Word, PowerPoint, PDF, etc.) pass the accessibility checker built into each product.

These comply with the University of Missouri System Policy 600.090 Digital Accessibility Policy and are required in the 5 Pillars Quality Review checklist (items #26 and 34).

What this means

Of course, you will introduce or reinforce discipline-specific ideas and terminology for students. That will demand enough of their cognitive load. Using plain language means not adding more to that intrinsic load by using unnecessarily complicated writing. If you can present your ideas in simpler language, students will absorb them more easily.

Why this matters

Plain language is not a skill per se, such as adding alternative text to an image or captions to a video, but it is a step toward creating an accessible learning experience. Using plain language and formatting will benefit neurodivergent learners and those whose native language is not English. Similarly, your font and formatting choices can affect readers with cognitive or visual impairments.

General tips

  • In your syllabus and assignment instructions, be conversational. Use the first and second person; say “I will” and “You will,” rather than “The instructor will” and “the student will.” This direct speech removes a layer of complexity from your writing and helps create a more personal connection with your students.
  • Use the active voice: Rather than saying “Exams will be returned by the instructor within 48 hours,” state, “I will return your exams within 48 hours.”
  • Choose simpler words instead of more complex ones. For example, must students “utilize” a particular technique, or can they “use” it?

Accessible layout

Large amounts of text can be difficult for any user to process, but especially those with visual or cognitive impairments. Moreover, what might not look like a large block of text on your 24-inch monitor might appear so on a student’s 13” laptop screen or smartphone.

Look for ways to break up those "walls" of text:

  • If you can divide the content easily into sections, break those sections into separate pages.
  • Use correctly formatted headings, lists and tables in your content to break up longer passages and provide cueing.
  • Add appropriate images (with alternative text, of course).
  • Consider working with Missouri Online to use templates and graphical organizers that will break up content and provide cues for students.

Accessible fonts and typography

Your font choices can also help — or hinder — your reader’s ability to scan and process information.

Sans-serif typefaces are fonts without small lines at the end of characters. Examples include the following:

  • Arial (most widely used sans-serif font)
  • Verdana
  • Calibri
  • Tahoma
  • Helvetica
  • Century Gothic

Serif fonts have little decorative lines that some people might find difficult to read. Serif fonts can also create problems in scanned prints, as pixelation can distort and cause blurring. The most commonly used serif font is Times New Roman; Georgia is another common serif typeface.

Elaborate fonts, such as any font that looks like cursive handwriting, can be difficult to read if the characters are not well defined in shape and size.

Additional guidance for accessible typography includes the following:

  • Use just one or two font types per page.
  • Because English and other western languages are read from left to right, most English readers prefer to have alignment (justification) on the left and a “ragged edge” (i.e., an uneven alignment of text) on the right. Avoid completely justifying text, as this creates spaces between words (”rivers”) that make the text more difficult to read.
  • The recommended minimum font size is 12 points.
  • Use bold or italics (sparingly) to add emphasis to text. Avoid UPPERCASE (because it is difficult for the eye to scan) and underlining (because underlined text can be mistaken for a hyperlink).

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Created on October 14, 2024